Thank you to all those who entered. The shortlist was published on 21 January 2025, and the winners will be announced at a ceremony on 22 April.
Frequently asked questions
How can I keep up to date with the latest THE Awards Asia news?
Please join our mailing list to receive all the latest news about THE Awards Asia, including key dates and information about the awards ceremony itself.
Who can enter?
These awards are open to anyone working in higher education in the following countries or territories:
Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, British Indian Ocean Territory, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Georgia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam.
Entries can be completed by those working at institutions, or consultants working on an institution’s instruction. If you are entering on behalf of an institution, please ensure that you supply us with contact details of someone at the institution, as well as your own.
How do I enter?
Please read our Entry guidelines, then click ‘Enter now’ at the top of the page and select your category. All entries must be in English.
When can I enter?
The entry window opens on
Thursday 15 August 2024 and closes at 1100 (BST) on Monday 14 October 2024.
(Please note that there will be
no extensions, so do ensure you submit everything by the deadline.)
How much does it cost to enter THE Awards Asia?
There is no charge to enter.
What period do these awards cover?
THE Awards Asia 2025 focus primarily on activity during the twelve months leading up to your entry. Submissions may be based on work that commenced prior to this period, where significant activity during the past twelve months can be included.
Winning entries from THE Awards Asia 2024 will not be accepted again, but others may be updated and resubmitted if solid evidence of progress in the past twelve months is highlighted.
If you have any questions on the eligibility of your entry, please email to discuss your options.
Can we enter more than one category?
Yes, you may enter as many categories as you wish, but you must complete a different submission for each category.
Can we enter the same submission in more than one category?
No, please choose the most appropriate category for each entry. If you are unsure which category to choose, please contact to discuss your options.
Can an institution enter more than one project or team in a single category?
Where the criteria are not asking for an institution-wide approach, a single institution may submit up to five entries per category, but those featured projects or initiatives must be distinctive and unrelated. Otherwise, we advise you to combine the best elements of each in a stronger single entry, highlighting the breadth of your approach in the relevant area.
How will I know that my entry has been safely received?
Once you have submitted your entry you will receive an email confirming that it has been received. Attached to the email will be a copy of your submission, and a document containing a unique Nomination code that we will quote in future awards correspondence relating to your entry, so please keep this safe and accessible. If you do not receive your confirmation email, please email
Are collaborative entries accepted?
Institutions working together
If your entry relates to an initiative or project carried out in collaboration with another institution or institutions, the submission should come from the lead institution. In such cases, please enter “
Institutions working with public or private partners
You may enter a project that has been undertaken in collaboration with an external public or private partner. In such cases, please include “
When will I find out if we have been shortlisted?
We will notify shortlisted institutions by email on Tuesday 14 January 2025 Tuesday 21 January 2025, the same day that the full set of shortlists are officially published on this website and the THE news website.
If we are not shortlisted, can we get feedback on our entry?
Unfortunately, due to the high volume of entries, we are not able to give feedback on individual entries.
It is worth emphasising that, because of the high number of entries, many excellent ones do not make our shortlists, which is why we encourage those entrants to submit an updated version the following year, if the featured work continued into the new period of focus.
When are the winners announced?
The THE Awards Asia ceremony will be held in Macau on Tuesday 22 April 2025 , the first night of the THE Asia Universities Summit.
We will provide more details about ceremony participation, tickets and accommodation offers once the shortlist has been published.