
International Strategy of the Year

Coventry University Group's Singapore Hub

Submission title or project name
Professional Bodies - MBA Top-Up

Our project is a collaboration with three professional bodies – the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII), the Certified Practising Accountants Australia (CPA Australia), and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) – to deliver top up MBA programmes. The project was conceived and carried out by the Singapore Hub and is aimed at members of professional bodies who are seeking to expand their managerial capabilities, with a focus on skills and personal development. The course is delivered fully online, increasing its accessibility to professionals globally. In AY22/23, 37 students enrolled.

Our relationship with industry partners continues to grow, creating valuable opportunities for the continued learning and professional development of their members.

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Hiroshima University

Submission title or project name
Network for Education and Research on Peace and Sustainability (NERPS)
Nominee or key personnel
Shinji Kaneko, Director
Project URL

NERPS engages with a wide range of stakeholders to identify research priorities and emerging issues related to peace and sustainability, and implement innovative interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary education and research projects. NERPS also plays an important role in university-wide efforts to achieve the SDGs.

Since September 2020, NERPS has hosted webinars, which serve as a platform for rethinking and updating the current discourse on peace and sustainability. From December 2020 to March 2022, NERPS carried out international transdisciplinary research projects on peace and sustainability with four partner organisations. From February 2023 to March 2025, NERPS will carry out another set of joint research projects with four partner organisations. The projects aim to make each research cluster a globally recognised research centre.

In 2022 and 2023, NERPS hosted an international conference on peace and sustainability, providing a unique platform for transdisciplinary dialogue and networking related to peace and sustainability in March 2024.

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Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), in collaboration with Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT)

Submission title or project name
Hybrid Asia Exploration - a borderless and equitable mobility programme for nurturing Asian students' self-efficacy through interdisciplinary methodologies
Nominee or key personnel
Associate Professor Dr Maria Anityasari, Director of Global Engagement, ITS; Visiting Professor Hiroyuki Ishizaki, Director of the Malaysia Office, SIT; HAx 2023 organising team members (a total of 12 lecturers from 6 institutes and ITS Global Engagement office staffs)

Hybrid Asia Exploration (HAx) is an innovative mobility programme aiming at providing all Asian students with equitable learning experiences, regardless of location and financial limitations. The organising team of 12 multinational lecturers from 5 countries are collaboratively providing an interdisciplinary education consisting of technology, histories and cultures of Asian countries to enhance participants' self-efficacy as Asians.

Out of 88 registered participants with 10 nationalities, 43 attended the onsite sessions at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Indonesia and enjoyed face-to-face lectures and field studies in the local community. Those who could not travel to Indonesia, for any reason, could continue this programme online.

The team is actively promoting this interdisciplinary programme through international conferences such as APAIE, WERA, NAFSA and ASEE, to both share knowledge and welcome more participants to the upcoming HAx programme scheduled in 2024.

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Macau University of Science and Technology

Submission title or project name
Project for Strategic Development of Exchange Students at MUST
Nominee or key personnel
Aliana Man Wai Leong, Associate Vice President, MUST

Macau University of Science and Technology is developing its student exchange programme with the aim of enhancing its international influence and ranking, and gradually realise the university's internationalisation strategy. The number of international exchange students for more than one semester will be included in the university's major world university ranking indicators (such as THE).

Therefore, the university is working to appropriately expand the scale and ratio of the university's exchange students, to enhance the university's international ranking and influence in universities at home and abroad. The project has had a positive effect on the popularity of MUST as a destination for exchange students.

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Marmara University

Submission title or project name
Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (KA171)
Nominee or key personnel
Professor Nuri Tinaz

Marmara University's internationalisation strategy and performance reflect its commitment to providing a globally relevant education and contributing to the international academic community. Through academic and research partnerships, language proficiency programmes, diverse curricula and a focus on research and innovation, Marmara University has positioned itself as a prominent player in the global higher education landscape.

In line with its general strategy, the university actively takes part in the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project, which is funded by the European Commission. Despite challenges, the university has successfully enhanced its research output, cultural diversity, and student and faculty exchange programmes within the scope of the Erasmus+ ICM project.

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National Institute of Development Administration

Nominee or key personnel
Professor Tippawan Lorsuwannarat; Assistant Professor Aree Manosuthikit

The National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA) has actively pursued two key strategies aimed at bolstering its global profile and, whenever feasible, fostering revenue growth. These strategies include: 

  • Fostering new partnerships: NIDA has made deliberate efforts to establish new partnerships with esteemed institutions while concurrently strengthening its existing ones
  • Sustaining active MOUs in alignment with the UN SDGs: NIDA is committed to maintaining active MOUs that involve mutually beneficial activities linked to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals

These strategies have translated into a plethora of collaborative activities, encompassing overseas institutional visits, co-participation in the NIDA annual conference, the organisation of inbound and outbound programmes for quality education, and the facilitation of SDG knowledge-sharing dialogues with partner universities that have garnered impressive SDG rankings.

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NUS Business School

Submission title or project name
Navigating Crisis to Craft a Global Gateway: NUS EMBA Chinese Programme's Strategic Triumph
Nominee or key personnel
Professor Fu Qiang, Professor Li Xiuping, Academic Directors, NUS EMBA Chinese; Nicole Tee, Director, MBA Programmes Office; Catherine Xiang, Head of Marketing & Admissions, EMBA Chinese Programme; Brenda Cao, Head of Programme Management, EMBA Chinese Programme; NUS EMBA Chinese Team

Navigating Through Crisis to Forge a Global Gateway: The NUS EMBA-Chinese Programme's Resilient Strategy

Amid the tumultuous waves of the Covid-19 pandemic and stringent challenges in the Chinese market, the NUS EMBA Chinese programme (EMBA-C) redefined its trajectory, transforming a crisis into a symphony of international success and innovation. Ingeniously pivoting from a China-centric model, the EMBA-C, under the visionary leadership of Professor Fu and Nicole Tee, repositioned itself as a "Gateway to the World" for aspiring global entrepreneurs. Through bold financial strategies, strategic global collaborations, innovative marketing campaigns and a comprehensive programmatic revamp, the EMBA-C not only navigated through the challenges but also emerged as a beacon of international educational excellence.

The impact has been profound - a significantly elevated brand, resonant global recognition, doubled outreach success, a diverse and elite student intake, and a triumphant financial outcome - embodying a strategy that intertwines innovation with resilient efficacy.

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UNIMAS Global, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)

Submission title or project name
UNIMAS Global High Impact Project Initiatives
Nominee or key personnel
Thian Foong Fatt, Director, UNIMAS Global

UNIMAS Global plays a crucial role in managing the international student community and strengthening the university's global connections. UNIMAS Global High Impact Project (UGHIP) initiatives were introduced to create resilient international programmes inspired by the Blue Ocean Strategy, focusing on differentiation and cost-efficiency. The UGHIP framework consists of three components:

  • #GlobalHome: Enhancing international experiences and global standards on campus for the global campus community
  • #GlobalBridge: Encouraging student engagement with the local community to promote intercultural and international experiences
  • #GlobalFuture: Empowering digital mechanisms for borderless networking and co-creation of knowledge

In 2023, UNIMAS Global achieved significant milestones, signing numerous Memorandums of Understanding and Agreements with Indonesian institutions, expanding its global visibility. It exceeded its mobility programme targets, accommodating over 1,600 participants. It also digitised admission and tracking systems, streamlining processes and ensuring real-time student monitoring, making substantial advancements in this area.

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Leadership and Management Team of the Year

Universitas Airlangga

Submission title or project name
Strengthening Human Resources Through a Holistic Approach for Providing Competent Lecturers and Quality Higher Education

Universitas Airlangga actively collaborates with the government and businesses to develop Indonesia's human resources. Key initiatives include:

  • The Advanced Study Camp Series, which aims to enlighten lecturers planning to pursue doctoral studies and nurture their enthusiasm for further research
  • The university contributes to disseminating personnel agency regulations to educational staff, ensuring they stay updated with government policies
  • Collaboration with the Ministry of Education's Technology Team to encourage research on managing integrated resource information systems, fostering a dynamic learning environment

However, the most striking achievement is the implementation of the Assessor College Lecturer Certification Programme, boasting a 100% graduation rate every year. Additionally, Universitas Airlangga runs a competency certification programme, including fire management training, providing students with career opportunities. The lecturers serve as educators and researchers who contribute nationally and internationally. Their expertise benefits society and enables Universitas Airlangga to continue strengthening its human resource base, confidently meeting future demands.

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Burapha University

Submission title or project name
The Human Development Centre for the Eastern Economic Corridor of Thailand
Nominee or key personnel
Associate Professor Watcharin Gasaluck, President, Burapha University; Assistant Professor Nayot Kurukitkoson, Vice-President for EEC Affairs; and their management team
Project URL

In 2017, Thailand’s government launched the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), aiming for innovative, green, industrial transformation. Collaborating closely with Burapha University, the EEC Human Development Centre (EEC HDC) - a strategic human resource development centre - was established. It unified various educational and training institutions, facilitating broad-spectrum human resource development.

By leveraging comprehensive networks and introducing the EEC Education Model, EEC HDC fostered a unique synergy between academia and industry, enabling targeted, effective industry-specific education and training. Over six years, EEC HDC successfully orchestrated integrated human resource strategies, positioning itself as an essential, permanent division within the EEC office, still operating from the Burapha University campus in Chonburi.

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Izmir Institute of Technology

Submission title or project name
A New University, A New Vision for the City
Nominee or key personnel
Professor Dr Yusuf Baran; Professor Dr Alper Baba

IZTECH is a growing university based in a region defined by agriculture and tourism. With highly qualified academic staff working in close connection with the university’s Technopark, IZTECH’s potential remained untapped until its administration decided to dedicate its efforts to a science diplomacy strategy. The administration followed a two-tiered strategy:

  • persuading the government to turn IZTECH into a hub for Türkiye
  • defining a new role for the city as a global R&I centre

Accordingly, IZTECH became a shareholder of Türkiye's largest R&I zone and the first stage of the new campus opened this year, while IZTECH’s Technopark zone was tripled in area. Finally, Izmir was designated as Türkiye’s corridor of digital innovation and IZTECH was integrated into the global research ecosystem. A direct testimony to this success is the Science Diplomacy Award given to the institute’s rector by TWAS (The World Academy of Sciences).

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Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology

Nominee or key personnel
Professor Saranjit Singh, Vice Chancellor

Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT) is a higher education institution in India renowned for its excellence in academics, research, innovation and environmental sustainability. The university has a well-organised, decentralised governance system that actively engages all stakeholders with transparency and faculty-driven democratic decision-making.

KIIT is committed to social values and progressive leadership, which enables the university to fulfil its mandate of promoting the holistic development of everyone. Environmental sustainability is a top priority at KIIT. The university has a green campus that prioritises responsible land use, tree planting and sustainable construction practices. KIIT's leadership is continually working towards solving societal and real-life problems through its research work.

KIIT provides more than 7,200 scholarships to students each year for full or partial fee waivers. KIIT's consistent dedication to excellence and innovation has made it a distinguished leader in the field of education.

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National University of Singapore

Submission title or project name
NUS Agility Office, A Strategic Leader in Organisational Transformation
Nominee or key personnel
Professor Tan Eng Chye, President; Clarence Ti, Deputy President (Administration); Roy Tan, Director, NUS Agility Office

The NUS Agility Office (AO) at the National University of Singapore (NUS) provides a unique and innovative model for organisational transformation in higher education. Located in the Office of the President, AO serves as NUS' central coordinating hub for multifaceted projects across education, research, innovation and enterprise, and administration domains. AO manages a wide range of projects, including system implementations, process simplification, organisational redesign, change management and the nurturing of an innovative ethos. It also functions as a talent incubator for leadership roles within the university.

AO's impact is substantial, with more than 195 initiatives in the past year resulting in S$18.73m (US$14.09m) in savings and 335,000 impact hours. Notable projects encompass service management tools, digital procurement systems and innovative student information systems. In steering NUS towards proactive, innovative and bold changes, AO’s working model reflects senior management's dedication to fostering an agile culture university-wide.

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O.P. Jindal Global University

Submission title or project name
Leveraging education for betterment of all sections of society
Nominee or key personnel

Professor of Eminence (Dr) Sanjeev P. Sahni, Principal Director of Jindal Institute of Behavioural Sciences, Professor and member of Governing Body, and Advisor to the Vice Chancellor; Dr Pulkit Khanna, Associate Professor and Executive Dean, Jindal Institute of Behavioural Sciences; Hanan Zafar, Manager, Jindal Institute of Behavioural Sciences

Project URL

O.P. Jindal Global University (JGU) has put enormous efforts in making knowledge accessible to all sections of society and designing practical interventions to address the challenges faced by the local community and the wider world. JGU’s Jindal Institute of Behavioural Sciences (JIBS) has taken the lead in rolling out many of these interventions.

JIBS has been actively working towards enhancing the potential of diverse stakeholders across society through outreach programmes. Over the past academic year, nearly 10,000 participants have engaged with JIBS through these programmes. During the same period, nearly 6,000 educators from across India benefited from 35 teacher training programmes and school talks, offered free of cost.

Researchers at JIBS have not only played an instrumental role in developing workshop series and cross-elective courses for students but have also prepared the blueprint for the JIBS Infotainment YouTube channel which disseminates information about mental health and well-being.

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University of Puthisastra

Submission title or project name
Right Leadership and Management, Right Positive Impact and Achievement

Despite enormous challenges, the University of Puthisastra (UP) plays a critical role in improving quality education and socio-economic development in Cambodia. UP:

  • is the only Cambodian university ranked in Times Higher Education's World University Rankings
  • is the only Cambodian university ranked in THE's Impact Rankings which assess universities against the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals
  • has been ranked the 13th top private university in ASEAN in 2024 by AppliedHE
  • has increased total revenue by 237% over 5 years
  • has increased non-tuition revenue by 800%
  • has increased research publications from 3 in 2019 to 200 in 2022
  • produces qualified graduates with 100% success rates in the National Exit Exams - the highest in Cambodia
  • embeds English, critical thinking, IT skills and research into every single course in every single programme to ensure that students gain the necessary skills for the 21st century; and
  • provides substantial community benefit
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Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)

Submission title or project name
UNIST: Leading Innovator of Ulsan Metropolitan City

UNIST, located in Ulsan, South Korea, drives innovation at local and national levels. Between 2019 and 2023, President Yong Hoon Lee strategically established four new graduate schools, aiming to bolster key sectors and foster mutual growth between UNIST and the region. These schools, specialising in artificial intelligence, semiconductor materials and devices, carbon neutrality, and bio-health science and technology, conduct cutting-edge research, nurture talent and collaborate with industry. UNIST has emerged as a pioneer in AI, forging partnerships with semiconductor giants like Samsung, and making strides in eco-friendly energy, CCUS and bioscience.

President Lee's visionary leadership has elevated Ulsan's standing in these critical sectors. With government funding, UNIST's multifaceted approach has strengthened research capabilities and provided a robust platform for urban growth. This success story highlights UNIST’s pivotal role as a driving force of innovation, transforming Ulsan into a thriving hub for cutting-edge research and sustainable development.

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Outstanding Contribution to Environmental Leadership

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

Submission title or project name
Amrita Live-in-Labs - experiential learning programme
Nominee or key personnel
 Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Chancellor; Dr Maneesha Ramesh, Provost

Amrita Live-in-Labs is a multidisciplinary programme addressing rural India's challenges by engaging participants in experiential learning. It breaks down classroom barriers and empowers students to develop sustainable solutions for issues ranging from education and health to gender equality and climate change. The programme assembles teams of Amrita students and international counterparts who spend months in Indian villages. They join existing projects or create new ones to tackle specific challenges. They aim to design, test and implement affordable and comprehensive solutions.

With over 160 projects in 22 Indian states, Live-in-Labs® has impacted approximately 600,000 rural residents. Involving 30+ global institutions and nearly 50 departments at Amrita, students and faculty have collectively contributed over 200,200 hours to rural sustainable development. Amrita holds two Unesco chairs, focusing on gender equality and women's empowerment, and experiential learning for sustainable innovation and development, contributing to transformative change and supporting Live-in-Labs®.

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Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University

Submission title or project name
Industrial Sustainability Master's Programme
Nominee or key personnel
Professor Şenay Balbay 

When Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University opened its Industrial Sustainability interdisciplinary master's programme - proposed by Professor Şenay Balbay - it became the first and only university in Turkey to train the "sustainability experts" needed by companies to support their transition to the circular economy model.

As a result of the decision of the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow (COP26), experts who graduate from the programme will be able to carry out their sustainability studies according to scientific data and publish them on relevant platforms, in line with the obligation of companies to publish scientifically based sustainability reports accurately and realistically. The university works with industry partners to deliver seminars to the students for 15 days every term. It also organises workshops for awareness of industrial sustainability in the region.

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Christ University

Submission title or project name
Rural Studio Programme
Nominee or key personnel
Dr Anil Joseph Pinto
Project URL
ARCH_Support Documents - Google Drive

The conventional building industry in contemporary India has seldom acknowledged the opportunity of harnessing local resources and labour that cause a low impact on the environment and contribute value in improving the quality of life of the region. To this end, the Rural Studio Programme at Christ University, which was started in 2018, has adopted composite bamboo construction and earthen architecture, preparing students in advanced skilling and prototyping.

The initiative has proven to substantially reduce the environmental and financial cost of buildings in rural areas of India, where the materials are locally found and traditionally used. These rural empowerment centres with architectural innovations have received international endorsements and have benefited over 3,000 people in the rural population. This innovation in design-build teaching pedagogy, with a strong collaboration with the industry, intends to evolve as a programme for a global student community in the future.

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University of Hong Kong

Submission title or project name
Empowering Learners for a Sustainable Future: Categorising Educational Resources for SDG Competence
Nominee or key personnel

Chi-Un Lei; Rui Yao; Shan Tang; Yuyue Wang


The UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim for global achievement by 2030, with SDG 4.7 focusing on promoting sustainable development through education. However, there is a lack of adequate educational materials for K12 and university education. This project utilises machine learning and open data to analyse the integration of SDGs in various educational settings, classifying resources according to their relevance to SDGs. Innovative approaches, such as combining multiple classification models, enhance performance and transferability to different levels and materials.

We classified over 12,000 courses from Hong Kong universities and 13,000 Moocs for comprehensive local and international SDG analysis. Our findings, shared with local and global stakeholders, reveal significant variations in SDGs' presence depending on subject and education level. The open-sourced classification mechanism encourages adoption by institutions to facilitate SDG integration into learning processes, ultimately aiming for SDG achievement by 2030.

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Macao Polytechnic University

Submission title or project name
Canarin – Green Technology for Cultural Heritage Preservation
Nominee or key personnel
Faculty of Applied Sciences

Monitoring environmental quality in real-time and responding promptly are often challenges. Macao Polytechnic University’s Canarin project presents an approach that combines interdisciplinary research, environmental education and international collaborations to tackle environmental issues related to cultural heritage preservation. By utilising AI technology, Canarin provides environmental insights for decision-makers to solve the problem of delayed or incorrect responses that lead to damage to cultural heritage. The impacts are:

  • Canarin is being implemented by 5 partners in 4 countries to collect environmental data for cultural heritage conservation and environmental protection. It is in service at the 300-year-old Joanina Library safeguarding its collections
  • Canarin successfully nurtures talents devoted to green technology, inheriting the sense of innovativeness for environmental protection. Graduates are developing their careers in green technology, developing new eco-friendly solutions
  • Canarin has gained international awards and raises public awareness. The Macao government inspected its operation and highly praised its significant impact
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Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University

Submission title or project name
Local Thai Researchers Weaving the Power of Sustainable Soil Conservation

In 2022, Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University initiated a project to rehabilitate saline soils. This was achieved through the empowerment of farmers by forming a local Thai researchers’ group in the Dan Khun Thot district of Nakhon Ratchasima. The project was structured in four steps:

  • Organising activities to gather opinions, share knowledge and discuss experiences related to saline soil problems and solutions
  • Transferring innovative technologies for improving saline-affected areas
  • Hosting participatory learning sessions, sharing stories and extracting lessons from the process
  • Establishing a "local Thai researcher" farmer group to lead community efforts in conserving soil and water resources and managing local resources

As a result, soil quality improved and a model was developed for utilising saline lands. Most farmers experienced increased yields and were satisfied with their primary crop outputs. This initiative fostered development of local researchers who, through participatory research, contributed to the sustainable development of the community.

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National University of Singapore

Submission title or project name
NUS Outdoor Wi-Fi Project
Nominee or key personnel

Nelson Wong, Head of Network, NUS IT; Ooi Bok Koon, Project Manager, NUS IT


The Solar-Powered Outdoor Wi-Fi Project, a pioneering collaboration between the National University of Singapore and StarHub, establishes NUS as the first Institute of Higher Learning in Singapore with a 100% solar-powered campus wi-fi over 5G. It redefined outdoor wi-fi, harnessing 5G and solar energy to eliminate invasive underground cables for cost-effective installation and showcased sustainability. This innovation aligns with NUS' Smart, Safe and Sustainable campus vision, exemplifying technology's role in creating safer, connected, educational environments. By opting for wireless technology, the project achieved a remarkable 50% cost reduction and 90% less deployment time, saving S$2.8m (US$2.1m).

The team's commitment to sustainability and resource efficiency is exemplified through continued innovation. Featured on Channel News Asia and The Economist Impact, the project demonstrates significant influence in environmental practice leadership. In conclusion, the project symbolises sustainability, innovation and environmental leadership in education as the first Institute of Higher Learning with campus-wide outdoor wi-fi.

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Suranaree University of Technology

Submission title or project name
From Conflict to Coexistence: Development of a Natural Educational Smart Trail
Nominee or key personnel
Assistant Professor Dr Wipawee Usaha, Director of Center for International Affairs and Assistant Professor in Telecommunication Engineering

Khao Yai National Park Protection Unit 4 (Klong Plakang) is a biodiverse sanctuary that faces severe human-wildlife conflicts causing financial and environmental losses, and community tensions. In response, an ecotourism strategy involving the local community was initiated by Suranaree University of Technology (SUT) and the national park. Guided by SUT’s sustainable development policies, the collaboration between the national park and local communities, with support from the Embassy of Canada, led to the "Klong Plakang Thailand-Canada Friendship Trail".

This initiative developed an educational trail within the Unesco World Heritage site, Dong Phayayen-Khao Yai Forest Complex, that educates visitors, conserves biodiversity, promotes ecotourism and ensures community sustainability. The project, featuring Thailand’s first smart trail with traditional signs and an app, fulfils multiple Sustainable Development Goals, offering immersive education, addressing human-wildlife conflicts, reducing income inequality and improving female empowerment. The trail has welcomed 800 visitors, generating 250,000 THB (US$7,140) income for 60 local families.

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Outstanding Contribution to Regional Development

Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences (BUITEMS)

Submission title or project name
My Identity, My Business: Empowering Afghan Refugee Youth through Microenterprise Development
Nominee or key personnel
National Incubation Centre BUITEMS

The National Incubation Centre Quetta BUITEMS has partnered with UNHCR – The UN Refugee Agency to launch an innovative microenterprise programme “My Identity, My Business: Empowering Afghan Refugee Youth through Entrepreneurship”. The main objective of this programme is to empower Afghan refugees and host youth residing in Balochistan to become economically self-sufficient as entrepreneurs.

The core philosophy of the My Identity, My Business microenterprise programme is to inculcate an entrepreneurial mindset among the refugee and host community youth so that they come out of the victim mindset and see opportunities in challenges they face. This programme has given refugees a new identity (hence named My Identity, My Business) and has resulted in enhancement of their self-esteem. Refugees that have graduated from this programme see themselves as changemakers and leaders that can contribute to uplifting their communities and standard of living in their refugee villages.

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Christ University

Submission title or project name
Suraksha Chakra (Wings of Protection)
Nominee or key personnel
Dr Anil Joseph Pinto

Christ University initiated the project “Suraksha Chakra (Wings of Protection)” in December 2021 to help 100% of the residents of Chakkittapara Gram Panchayat – a remote village in Kerala – to understand the benefits of, and obtain, healthcare insurance, using the “Last mile journey (creating 100% awareness), last mile delivery (100% coverage)” approach.

There are three goals designed for this project with “socio-economic sustainability” at its centre while transforming university education. The first goal is to provide clarity through immersive learning experiences in specific contextual environments. The second goal is to incorporate a professional mindset among diverse stakeholders to achieve developmental aspirations. And, lastly, to create an empathetic learning experience for students from universities in urban centres through rural-focused interventions.

The university collaborated with the local Chakkittapara Cooperative Society to build trust among villagers and bridge the information gap on healthcare insurance and schemes. The goal was achieved on 16 August 2023.

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Dokuz Eylül University

Submission title or project name
The Century’s Solidarity in the Face of the Century's Disaster: Dokuz Eylül University is in the Region
Nominee or key personnel

Professor Dr Nükhet Hotar (Rector); All Academic Units of DEÜ (Faculty Members, Deans, Department Heads); All Administrative Units (General Secretary, Department Directorates, Faculty Secretaries); All Volunteer Students at all levels


Dokuz Eylül University (DEÜ) took on responsibility from the outset of the Kahramanmaraş earthquakes that affected 11 Turkish provinces in February 2023. Actively engaging with all its units, DEÜ coordinated disaster relief efforts with AFAD, swiftly deploying support teams and communication networks. It provided immediate assistance in the form of healthcare, education, humanitarian aid, information, food, shelter and clean water to address identified needs.

DEÜ's unwavering spirit of solidarity in the region remains steadfast. Its expert teams continue to support the region's reconstruction and socio-economic development through close collaboration with local authorities. DEÜ initiated the "We Were All Children" project, offering educational activities to aid the cognitive, social and emotional development of earthquake-affected children. The university's impactful response also includes a documentary, "The Solidarity of the Century in the Face of the Century's Disaster”. DEÜ's commitment to social benefit and sustainable development continues alongside its core educational and research activities.

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Hatyai University

Submission title or project name
The Enhancing Potential of Innovation Community Strengthening, Songkhla Province
Nominee or key personnel
Assistant Professor Dr Pakorn Limyothin, Vice President for Academic Affairs; Assistant Professor Dr Nukool Chinfuk, Dean of Faculty of Political Sciences; Assistant Professor Dr Poonyanuch Ruthirako, Assistant to the President for Sustainable Development; Madphouzee Rubama, Lecturer, Head of Marketing Team
Project URL

Area-based development is a local resource management approach that leverages collaborative efforts from all sectors to drive positive change. The Stingless Bee Centre at Hatyai University has transferred this knowledge through practical training to agriculturists in Songkhla province. The objective is to develop and elevate stingless bee community enterprises, ensuring both quality and quantity of output.

Following a series of workshops, focusing on the creation of innovative stingless bee boxes, the number of stingless bee boxes increased to 24,000, producing more than 15,000kg of stingless bee honey. The combined revenue from these community enterprises amounts to approximately 20 million THB (US$573,000) annually.

The research team's efforts have improved the potential and standard of stingless beekeeping, resulting in certifications for community businesses including GAP, FDA and Halal, and exporting stingless bee honey abroad. This comprehensive coordination and cooperation across sectors has empowered the development of sustained "Songkhla Stingless Bee" enterprises.

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Hiroshima University

Submission title or project name
Hiroshima University Hospital and Regional Cooperation
Nominee or key personnel
Shinji Kaneko, Director

In northern Hiroshima Prefecture, a declining and ageing population strained healthcare access, exacerbated by the 13-year closure of the obstetrics-gynaecology department at Shobara Red Cross Hospital. Miyoshi City Hospital remains the sole provider, but the remote location hinders pregnant women's access to care, especially during emergencies.

To address this, in 2021, Hiroshima University introduced the "Perinatal Medical Support Course for Northern Hiroshima Prefecture". This collaborative effort with Miyoshi City Hospital and Shobara Red Cross Hospital aims to enhance regional medical care, offering specialised treatment, workforce development and research. The reopening of Shobara Red Cross Hospital's ob-gyn department in 2018, in conjunction with Hiroshima City medical institutions, serves as a model for perinatal care in rural areas. Through cooperation, support is provided to resolve the medical personnel shortage and maintain an adequate medical system. We will contribute to the revitalisation of the region by making childbirth more accessible in northern Hiroshima.

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Manipal Academy of Higher Education

Submission title or project name
Walk on your Feet: Diabetic Foot Care
Nominee or key personnel
Dr G. Arun Maiya, Dean, Manipal College of Health Professions 

In association with the Department of Health and Family Welfare (Karnataka government) in Udupi district, Manipal Academy of Higher Education proposed a challenging undertaking to tackle diabetes peripheral neuropathy and diabetic foot complications through the "Diabetic Foot Care: Stepping ahead" project. The project was funded by the World Diabetes Foundation to reduce diabetic foot complications and improve the diagnosis, care, support and treatment of diabetic foot complications in Udupi. It was heartening to see private and humanitarian agencies joining this mission.

The project included: awareness programmes; walkathon and street play; information education and communication materials; mass media and communication; capacity building of healthcare professionals and academic training (1,300+); community-level screening (125,000+); health camps (70); establishment of foot clinics (13 basic level and 2 intermediate level); diabetic foot registry (1); and diabetes self-management training.

Citation: 4259. h-index: 28

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Our Lady of Fatima University

Submission title or project name
CRiB3 Crusade: Care and Restoration of Infants through Breastfeeding and Breastmilk Banking

The CRiB3 Crusade Project - “Care and Restoration of Infants through Breastfeeding and Breastmilk Banking” – is a three-tier community initiative of Our Lady of Fatima University in collaboration with the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society in Nursing (STTI), Baby DuDuDocs and Advent Moms. Responding to global challenges of inadequate breastfeeding, and working towards attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the project has already processed the exchange of over 10,000 breastmilk replacement bags and procured over 15,000 litres of donated breastmilk shared with milk banks.

The Baby Passport – a well-curated resource of health guidelines for the first 1,000 days of life, and available in three languages (English, Filipino, Bahasa) – was also launched and successfully distributed to four regions via our community and university partners. Since 2020, community health promotion via online and in-person classes is being conducted quarterly.

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Taylor's University

Submission title or project name
Projek BacaBaca (Learning to Read, Reading to Learn)
Nominee or key personnel
Hema Letchamanan, Project Lead; R. Tharani Ramasamy, Project Officer

Projek BacaBaca addresses the critical issue of low reading proficiency among underprivileged students in Malaysia. Many of these children miss out on early education, leaving them unprepared for primary school. Even before the pandemic, 51% of young children in the capital city did not attend preschool. Extended school closures due to Covid-19 exacerbated this problem.

Projek BacaBaca offers tailored reading programmes, combining individual, group, virtual and in-person sessions. These programmes aim to improve language, literacy and communication skills in Malay and English. Dedicated volunteers conduct weekly 30- to 60-minute sessions with diverse reading materials and technology tools aligned with school curricula. Challenges include educating parents on the importance of reading and ensuring consistent participation. The project serves families in the bottom 40% income category, where education often takes a back seat to basic needs. The impact of Projek BacaBaca is remarkable. Children who were once struggling readers have progressed.

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Outstanding Support for Students

City University of Hong Kong

Submission title or project name
HK Tech 300 – CityU’s large-scale flagship innovation and entrepreneurship programme
Nominee or key personnel
Office of the Senior Vice-President (Innovation and Enterprise), City University of Hong Kong

City University of Hong Kong’s “HK Tech 300” programme empowers students and young people by equipping them with entrepreneurial skills and support to tackle complex problems and transform their concepts into tech start-ups, contributing to technological and economic development. It consists of a four-stage learning-by-doing structure offering:

  • Professional training
  • Seed funding and mentorship support
  • Incubation with angel funds; and
  • Launching the tech ventures with support from external collaborators and co-investors

The programme has successfully attracted 1,500+ participants, incubated 730+ start-ups, with 610+ at the seed funding stage and 120+ receiving angel funds, with opportunities for partnerships with venture capital funds, technology companies and collaborative partners. The start-ups provide solutions across various sectors, including biotech and health, edutech, envirotech, fintech, deep tech, information and communications technology, and artificial intelligence. Fostering innovation and entrepreneurship among students, HK Tech 300 has made a significant impact in the field.

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Fudan University

Submission title or project name
From pre-enrolment to after-graduation — “Support Pyramid” in Fanhai International School of Finance (FISF)
Nominee or key personnel
Professional Development Centre, Educational Service Centre

Career development constitutes an integral facet of students' learning journey at FISF. The Professional Development Centre (PDC) in FISF provides a comprehensive range of services “from pre-enrolment to after-graduation” to ensure our graduates are workplace-ready. Students gain insights into the finance industry, and also benefit from the well-experienced career mentors, called the centre's “support pyramid”:

  • Base: Career services advisers — Trained staff from PDC provide one-on-one career counselling and advice
  • Middle: Alumni advisers — Fudan graduates provide support systems at key target institutions that help cultivate student interest and capabilities throughout the hiring cycle
  • Top: Industry mentors — Career Mentor Programme: Senior executives from esteemed institutions mentor students through sharing life lessons and providing career guidance

FISF maintains a solid 100% record of providing internships and securing employment for its full-time students since establishment. The average salary of graduates surpasses the industry average, particularly noteworthy for a pre-experience programme in China.

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Heilongjiang International University

Submission title or project name
The “One Yuan Student Meal” Project – Welfare for Education

The "One Yuan Student Meal" project at Heilongjiang International University (HIU) exemplifies inclusivity through its provision of affordable and nutritious meals. Since its inception in 2019, this initiative has successfully served 364,000 meals to 400 students on a daily basis, priced at just one Yuan per meal, as of September 2023. Moreover, this project actively fosters community engagement by encouraging student participation in volunteer activities. Furthermore, it has garnered substantial support from families, social media platforms and the esteemed Shanghai Fubon Foundation.

By alleviating financial burdens, this project not only enhances student focus, retention and overall academic performance but also bolsters their prospects for future employability. Consistently dedicated to student well-being, HIU tirelessly strives to instil and uphold positive values within its community, contributing towards the cultivation of a harmonious society.

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Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women

Submission title or project name
Gender Equality through Quality Education

Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women (IGDTUW) fosters an environment for excellence in STEM education while helping students to maintain a work-life balance. IGDTUW is committed to making students' educational experiences comprehensive and holistic. The university provides multifaceted support for women in STEM fields of higher education including scholarships, merit-based financial support, reimbursements of research-oriented activities, and recognition through research awards, ensuring that students can progress along their chosen academic path.

These initiatives have resulted in an improved gross enrolment ratio for women, and female entrepreneurs are contributing to the formal economy through start-ups. The placements of IGDTUW students have increased significantly and the number of companies visiting the university has also grown substantially. Through sustainable systems and state-of-the-art infrastructure, the university enables Indian women to become independent future leaders, managers, researchers, entrepreneurs and efficient team players in the fields of science, engineering, technology, architecture, planning and management.

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Lovely Professional University

Submission title or project name
Holistic Support for Students - Best Practices and Initiatives
Nominee or key personnel
Dr Manish Gupta

Transitioning from high school to university can be both challenging and exciting and Lovely Professional University is committed to enhancing the holistic development of its students through the following:

  • Freshmen Induction programme
  • Mental health support
  • Collaborating with Online Counselling Service - YourDOST
  • Mentorship programme
  • My Buddy programme
  • Practices and initiatives for slow learners
  • In-campus and out-campus parent-teacher meetings

These practices and initiatives have benefited more than 20,000 students. The Freshmen Induction helped more than 10,000 students to become familiar with university policies and the support and assistance provided by the university. 6,000+ students proactively accessed the mental health support provided by the Department of Counselling and Happiness and YourDOST to enhance their emotional well-being. The My Buddy programme helped over 1,800 students to enhance their English communication skills. More than 20,000 benefited from the assistance of the mentors and the parent-teacher meetings conducted by the university.

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Nanyang Technological University

Submission title or project name
For Students and By Students: Transformative Innovation & Entrepreneurship (I&E) Ecosystem Strategy
Nominee or key personnel
NTU Entrepreneurship Academy (NTUpreneur)

NTU Entrepreneurship Academy (NTUpreneur) at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, stands out for its uniquely supportive initiatives for students. These initiatives were mainly shaped by students’ feedback. NTUpreneur’s “For Students and By Students: Transformative Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E) Ecosystem” Strategy started with a rebranding to emphasise that I&E is for every NTU student. 30 new scholarships, awards, book prizes and start-up seed funding initiatives were created. Classes were rescheduled to avoid conflicting schedules, and a robust co-curricular programme of activities, masterclasses, opportunities including competitions that catalysed innovative ideas, a Mentorship Clinic, and co-working space for entrepreneurship, networking and exchange were started.

These efforts caused a significant rise in awareness and appreciation as evidenced in a two-fold increase in student enrolment. There was a more than ten-fold increase in participation in I&E co-curricular activities, more exposure and opportunities for underprivileged students, a stronger I&E ecosystem and a record improvement in student satisfaction.

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Sunway University

Submission title or project name
Sunway University's Holistic Career and Professional Development Support: Empowering Future Leaders
Nominee or key personnel
Sunway Student LIFE

Sunway University empowers students with a comprehensive support system, preparing them for career success and personal growth. Through three interconnected programmes, students embark on a journey from self-discovery to workforce readiness.

  • The Sunway Career Readiness Programme guides students through self-exploration, hands-on experiences and employment preparation, equipping them with practical skills, career insights and job placement opportunities.
  • The Sunway Mentoring Programme connects students with experienced alumni mentors, fostering knowledge sharing, career guidance and personal growth. This programme goes beyond mentorship, nurturing lasting relationships.
  • Industry Mastery leverages industry partnerships to expose students to diverse sectors, enhancing their competencies and bridging the gap between academics and the professional world.

Our graduates show improvements in employability, personal growth and meaningful connections. Sunway University remains committed to collecting data for continual programme enhancement, ensuring that students are well-prepared for both their careers and life's challenges. Together, we shape future leaders, one student at a time.

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Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Submission title or project name
Transforming Futures: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia's Student Support Story
Nominee or key personnel
Centre for Student Affairs UKM: Professor Ts Dr Norinsan Kamil Othman

The Centre for Student Affairs is a paradigm of innovative thinking in fostering the academic, emotional and spiritual growth of all 33,000 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia students. This centre exemplifies services through digital innovations. With its innovative iSTAR websites - the intelligent website for students' extracurricular points - and our system, we can analyse students' soft talents and award them and maintain a high employability rate each year. The ePrihatin digital platform leads Malaysia's competitive aid application field. The centre is preparing to launch the Halokaunselor website, which simplifies counselling session scheduling, and the Dompet Siswa mobile app, an e-wallet system that will change food aid delivery. At least MYR1.8 million (US$387,640) is spent annually on financially disadvantaged students by the welfare fund.

These offerings illustrate the centre's commitment to students' mental, emotional and physical health. It has become a hub for student goals and ambitions, making UKM a memorable experience.

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Research Project of the Year: Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Chulalongkorn University

Submission title or project name
Chulalongkorn University Platform for Ageing Research Innovation and Thailand Platform for Ageing Research Innovation
Nominee or key personnel
Professor Vipan Prachuabmoh, Dean of the College of Population Studies, Chulalongkorn University, and Director of Chula ARi and Thai ARi plan

Chula ARi is a research platform addressing the challenges of population ageing. It aims to conduct impactful research and develop a comprehensive system considering health, social, economic, environmental and technological aspects. Key outcomes during 2018-2023 include a national action plan for older persons, a database system for the public, and prototype systems to serve the needs of older persons in nine of Bangkok's urban poor areas. In 2020, Chula ARi received recognition from the Thai Ministry of Social Development and Human Security for its outstanding support towards the ageing society. In 2022, Chula ARi established partnerships with Thai universities to bolster elderly welfare in urban settings.

Thai ARi united scholars, officials, local leaders and stakeholders in devising community systems. Four pilot communities saw a prototype in action, leading to a nationwide research innovation platform. Thai ARi has boosted urban communities' capacity to provide supportive systems for active ageing.

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Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Submission title or project name
Promoting Self-Esteem and Quality of Life in Community Textile Arts Participation for Older Adults: A Social Capital Approach
Nominee or key personnel
 Dr Jin Lam, Principal Investigator, School of Fashion & Textiles

This interdisciplinary research adopted a multimodal community intervention and person-centred expressive arts therapy approach to investigate the therapeutic benefits of arts and textile crafts intervention on older adults. The findings indicate that the community-based arts and crafts intervention yields significant effects on improving the self-esteem, quality of life and social connectedness of older adults by engaging them in group-based participatory arts practice. Clothing can be used as a coping mechanism by older adults at geriatric institutions, allowing the participants to improve their sense of selves.

The study concludes that social capital and arts engagement can be linked to the wider concept of creative ageing policy in the future. The positive findings offer a comprehensive understanding of how older adults experience and invest social capital through arts engagement in community settings, and of the dynamics of mutual support and reciprocity that can be further explored in the lives of older adults.

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Lovely Professional University

Submission title or project name
Companion - Reducing Loneliness Among Old People
Nominee or key personnel
Dr Manish Gupta

Addressing the complexity of loneliness among older adults is our mission. With the Companion app, we've centred our approach on empathy and user experience, providing a personalised remedy for loneliness. Meticulous research and iterative design have shaped our platform to not only tackle the issue but also enhance the lives of older adults. By fostering meaningful connections and combating social isolation, the app aims to make a profound difference.

The user-experience journey that brought the Companion app to life is a testament to the transformative power of design and technology. Through innovation and user-centric principles, we have taken a significant step towards improving the lives of vulnerable populations. With a commitment to the well-being of older adults, our app strives to alleviate loneliness, boost mental well-being, and reignite a sense of purpose. This represents not just a solution but a meaningful contribution to the betterment of society.

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Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)

Submission title or project name
Willingness to share Malay cultural heritage with the Sarawak Museum Collection
Nominee or key personnel
Shaik Azahar Shaik Hussain; Faridah Sahari; Adibah Yusof; Mohd Kamal Othman; Fatimah Subet; Musdi Shanat

In 2022, a research project commenced encouraging Sarawak's Malay communities to share their cultural heritage with the Sarawak Museum Collection. It is also aimed to preserve traditions and foster unity; the project's objectives were to understand hesitance and promote pride. Researchers used various methods, such as interviews and community engagement, to address challenges like language barriers. Results showed that reluctance stemmed from a desire to preserve identity. Educational programmes shifted attitudes, motivating Malay communities to contribute.

This endeavour promotes cross-cultural understanding, dispelling stereotypes and encouraging harmony. The project's success led to collaborations and its methodologies being adopted elsewhere. The research inspires pride in Sarawak Malay heritage while enriching societal bonds by getting them to contribute willingly towards the inventory of Sarawak’s Darul Hana Malay Museum.

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Our Lady of Fatima University

Submission title or project name
HCI-SoA Project: Understanding Human-Computer Interaction and Sense of Agency

The HCI-SoA project is a multi-tier research project in the healthcare and caring science fields that aspires to:

  • understand human-computer interaction in the healthcare (clinical) settings between older adults and caring robots
  • develop a valid and reliable tool to measure Sense of Agency (SoA) of healthcare students to human patient simulators as a potential predictor of their acquisition of knowledge, skills and performance in simulated clinical settings

Using robust methodologies in the social sciences (eg, integrative review, structural equation modelling, tool development), valuable insights in human-computer interaction were successfully uncovered, and a valid and reliable tool to measure SoA as an important variable that impacts teaching and learning in a simulated clinical environment was developed. This project resulted in further collaboration (private, public, local and global) in understanding human-computer interaction, a recalibration of simulation learning for future healthcare professionals and, ultimately, contributed to the vision of achieving health-for-all.

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Saint Louis University (Philippines)

Submission title or project name
ARCHIE (Agri Robot for Crop Health in Insect Control)

Pests and diseases are the main farming challenges faced by lettuce growers in the mountainous farmlands of the Philippine Cordillera Administrative Region. Such challenges reduce yield by as much as 50%, lowering crop value and decreasing its aesthetic quality. Present-day pest control techniques include backpack sprayers and broad-spectrum pesticide application, which are pricey, wasteful and dangerous.

Project ARCHIE (Agri Robot for Crop Health in Insect Control) provides an innovative method of crop health management in which an autonomous robot inspects lettuce crops for insects and bacteria, then applies an optimal amount of organic (non-chemical) insecticide to the affected area. Targeted spraying can cut pesticide costs by up to 80% while reducing farmers' exposure to dangerous agrochemicals, minimising pesticide residues on crops, and preventing environmental runoff. Project ARCHIE’s success story is testament to the viability of the university model of translating research-based solutions to community problems into viable commercial ventures.

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Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology

Submission title or project name
Elderly Population and Global Economies
Nominee or key personnel
Thaveesha Jayawardhana; Sachini Anuththara; Thamasha Nimnadi; Ridhmi Karadanaarachchi; Ruwan Jayathilaka; Kethaka Galappaththi

Our research explores the intricate relationship between the global economy and the elderly population, with three primary objectives: investigating causality on a global and continent-specific level; studying Asian countries; and analysing European nations. Policymakers and professionals worldwide seek to understand how ageing populations impact economic growth, and our study addresses these concerns.

Our research encompassed data collection, complex statistical analyses, literature review, policy assessment, ethical considerations, and recognising the gradual nature of demographic shifts. Findings revealed that the elderly population positively influenced global economic growth until the early 2000s, with varying patterns in Asia and evolving dynamics in Europe. These findings offer valuable insights for policymakers, stakeholders and future research.

Our undergraduate study serves as a catalyst for future projects, inspiring positive changes in policy and societal attitudes toward ageing, and resulted in three Scopus journal papers (Q1) with a combined h-index exceeding 400.

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Suranaree University of Technology

Submission title or project name
Innovative Sustainable Silk Community Development in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand
Nominee or key personnel
Dr Wiwat Nuansing, Head of Student Entrepreneurship Development Academy (SEDA) - SUT

Thailand's middle-income trap is a pressing issue that highlights the country's problems with income inequality, public health and education. To address this, Suranaree University of Technology (SUT) formed partnerships and initiated a research project to empower local communities engaged in the traditional silk community in Nakhon Ratchasima (Korat). By employing digital technology, innovative art and a human-centred approach using entrepreneurial skills, we cultivated community innovators who can develop innovative silk-related products and services. We have established a learning innovation platform and digital learning centre to encourage the younger generation to engage with silk, resulting in changes to the grassroots economy and cultural preservation. Collaborations with government agencies ensure future development.

Our project created 70 community innovators, 11 innovations, five new businesses and two creative careers, elevating the grassroots economy while preserving cultural art heritage. The project's model is replicable, fostering nationwide sustainable silk industry development.

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Research Project of the Year: STEM

Amity University Noida

Submission title or project name
Optimisation of Agrivoltaic System: Dual Use of Farming Land for Growing Crops and Simultaneous Generation of Electricity using Solar Photovoltaic Panels
Nominee or key personnel
Professor V. K. Jain; Professor Abhishek Verma

Agrivoltaic technology, pioneered by Amity University, represents a ground-breaking synergy between agriculture and solar energy production. This innovative approach integrates solar panels with traditional farming practices to optimise land use. Agrivoltaics involves the installation of solar panels above agricultural fields, utilising the same land for dual purposes – crop cultivation and solar energy generation. This ingenious concept offers numerous advantages. It maximises land utilisation, addressing the challenge of scarce arable land and the need to meet growing energy demands. By providing shade to crops, it can mitigate temperature extremes and reduce water evaporation, thus improving crop yield and resilience to climate change. Technology also contributes to sustainable energy production.

The technology can be adapted to various crop types and geographical regions, making it a versatile solution for diverse farming landscapes. It has the potential to revolutionise the agricultural and energy sectors, ushering in a greener and more sustainable future.

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Chitkara University

Submission title or project name
Aumsat: Water Conditioning Technology
Nominee or key personnel
Dr Archana Mantri; Riddhish Soni; Dr K. K. Mishra

Traditional methods for water purification, such as reverse osmosis, result in significant water wastage and demineralisation of water, raising health concerns. In addition, these prevailing water purification solutions are reliant on electricity, which is inaccessible to many Indian farmers. This research project, Aumsat Technologies, aimed to create a non-electric, efficient water-conditioning solution suitable for Indian agriculture. The innovators developed a magneto-catalytic-powered water-conditioning device for agriculture. This IOT-integrated device addressed the detrimental effects of hard water, such as compromised plant health, skin and hair problems for humans, and hard-scaling in equipment, while facilitating real-time water quality monitoring.

This research project, although originally designed for irrigation, was quickly commercialised at the incubator of Chitkara University and has created a wide impact in agriculture, municipalities, public health departments, housing societies and industries.

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Chulalongkorn University

Submission title or project name
Improving the Quality of Life for Lower Limb Amputees in Thailand with the sPace Dynamic Prosthetic Foot
Nominee or key personnel
Professor Supot Teachavorasinskun, Dean of Faculty of Engineering; Associate Professor Pairat Tangpornprasert, Project PI, Lecturer of Faculty of Engineering

The project is aimed at enhancing the quality of life for individuals with lower limb amputations in Thailand through the sPace dynamic prosthetic foot programme. It is organised by the Faculty of Engineering at Chulalongkorn University in collaboration with the Sirindhorn School of Prosthetics and Orthotics at the Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital. This initiative has received support from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation through the National Research Council of Thailand.

The project involves producing and providing the sPace dynamic prosthetic foot innovation to 300 individuals with lower limb amputations, distributed through 22 state hospitals across the country. Feedback has been collected from the recipients, and an economic and public health assessment (cost-effectiveness) has been conducted. These data are crucial for future applications to include sPace prosthetic feet in the basic entitlements provided by the state or the National Health Security Office.

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City University of Hong Kong

Submission title or project name
Zero-emission Droplet-based Nanogenerator (DEG) to Harvest Water, Electricity and Nutrients from the Air
Nominee or key personnel
Professor Steven Wang, Associate Vice President (Resources Planning) and Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering and School of Energy and Environment; Professor Wen Jung Li, Vice-President (Talent and International Strategy) and Chair Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Systems Engineering

In response to global crises of freshwater and electricity production shortages, City University of Hong Kong is shedding hope by creating an integrated system combining a fog-based water harvester, a droplet-based electricity generator and a nutrient producer to harvest three life-essential resources from the air. This new technology can produce a world-record fog-to-energy conversion rate of 300V electricity while harvesting freshwater of 25L/m²/day, providing a sustainable, stable, low-cost, portable and eco-friendly power supply solution and tackling the freshwater crisis.

The research won the Gold Medal with Congratulations from the Jury at the Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions and received an angel fund from HK Tech 300 to build a viable system. CityU is now collaborating with governmental departments to apply the system widely for local usage. The next goal is to tackle water shortages and provide green power to improve the habitation of remote areas in China and South-east Asia.

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Lyceum of the Philippines University – Cavite

Submission title or project name
Design and Installation of Solar-Powered Atmospheric Water Generator Accompanied by Rainwater Harvester with Purification System
Nominee or key personnel
Delia S. Fainsan; Ross Edric J. Apura; Rex Angeles V. Manalo; Rey Angeles V. Manalo

The thesis entitled, "Design and Installation of Solar-Powered Atmospheric Water Generator Accompanied by Rainwater Harvester with Purification System", which conforms to the Philippine Electrical Code (PEC) and Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water (PNSDW), mainly focuses on providing solutions to climate change and water scarcity problems using a device that converts atmospheric air into drinkable water. The study was divided into two parts: electrical and mechanical. Two off-grid monocrystalline solar panels power the electrical components and the energy generated is stored in two LiFePo4 batteries.

The study will be beneficial in emphasising the importance of using renewable and environmental solutions that will produce alternative sources of water and power. The study mainly helps the community to have an alternative source of potable water. The study can be a reliable reference for innovation and will be open for new renovations and improvements of the project.

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Universiti Malaysia Perlis

Submission title or project name
e-SAVE: Transforming Rice Farming with Sustainable Drone Technology
Nominee or key personnel
Professor Ir Ts Dr Hazry bin Desa, Head of Centre of Excellence for Unmanned Aerial Systems, and Managing Director of Haas Solutions (a start-up company of Universiti Malaysia Perlis); Ts Dr Muhammad Azizi bin Azizan, Research Fellow at the Centre of Excellence for Unmanned Aerial Systems, and Strategic Director of Haas Solutions 

The research project centres on sustainable, unmanned aerial technology, addressing ecological, economic and social aspects. We developed e-SAVE and SMART-V prototypes, securing a patent (MY-173920-A) in Malaysia. Our primary goal was to introduce drones into paddy farming, reducing workload and chemical exposure risks for farmers. e-SAVE, a pesticide and fertiliser spraying drone, and SMART-V, a real-time monitoring drone, played crucial roles. Economically, drones enhanced efficiency, reducing work time; socially, they attracted younger generations to farming.

Our research earned international and national awards for ecological sustainability. Despite initial doubts, we improved yields, transforming rice production in Perlis. This success led to expanding drone applications and industry support for aerial imaging, drone light shows, property analysis and geospatial databases, fostering innovation and partnerships.

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Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) with ETH Zurich

Submission title or project name
Nominee or key personnel
Professor Zhi Luo, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, SUSTech; David Klein Cerrejon, ETH Zurich; Professor Jean-Christophe Leroux, Full Professor in Drug Formulation and Delivery, ETH Zurich

Biopharmaceuticals, like proteins and peptides, have reshaped disease treatment but often require invasive administration due to their size and instability. Few oral peptide drugs have reached clinical trials, even with permeation enhancers. To tackle this issue, researchers introduced a game-changing technology that combines buccal mucosa stretching with permeation enhancers.

Inspired by octopus suckers, they created the OctoPatch, a self-applicable suction patch that effectively deforms mucosal tissue. In canine studies, it achieved over 100 times the bioavailability of desmopressin, a poorly absorbed peptide drug in tablet form. Human trials with 40 participants confirmed the dosage form's acceptability. This simple yet effective platform has the potential to revolutionise oral drug delivery, making biopharmaceuticals more accessible, efficient and safe for patients while opening doors for new orally deliverable drugs.

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Shiv Nadar University

Submission title or project name
A multi-target drug for Covid-19 treatment
Nominee or key personnel
Professor Subhabrata Sen (PI), Department of Chemistry, School of Natural Sciences, Shiv Nadar University; Professor Ralf Jockers (Co-PI), Institut Cochin, Paris, France; Dr Kshatresh Dutta Dubey, Department of Chemistry, School of Natural Sciences, Shiv Nadar University

The primary objective of this research was to explore a multi-target drug molecule against Covid-19 through a proof-of-concept study, where a small molecule would demonstrate activity against three potential Covid-19-related proteins: (a) melatonin receptors; (b) calmodulin proteins; and (c) human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (hACE2).

The research produced ground-breaking results and was published in the European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. Two novel compounds modulated the spike RBD-ACE2 interaction, CaM-Ca2+/ CaMKII complex and melatonin MT1 and MT2 receptors. A luminescence reporter assay of Mpro activity confirmed that these two compounds bind to Mpro with 1 uM efficacy, which indicated that Mpro is indeed an additional target for our compounds. The multi-targeted compounds were extensively characterised and validated for their interaction with predicted target molecules.

The research has led to the development of drug molecules for Covid-19 and related ARDS diseases, which can save millions of human lives and improve quality of life.

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Student Recruitment Campaign of the Year

Chulalongkorn University

Submission title or project name
Computer Engineering and Digital Technology: Introducing a New Practical-Based Curriculum
Nominee or key personnel
Professor Supot Teachavorasinskun, Dean, Faculty of Engineering; Narongdech Keeratipranon, Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering 
Project URL

The Faculty of Engineering at Chulalongkorn University introduced a new programme called "Computer Engineering and Digital Technology (CEDT)" in the academic year 2023, admitting up to 300 students per year. The programme aims to produce graduates who can fill the significant workforce gap in the digital sector. Additionally, it is the university's first programme to embrace the innovative education management approach known as the "Higher Education Sandbox".

This approach promotes collaboration in educational management involving experts from the private sector, with a focus on enhancing students' practical skills throughout their academic journey through annual internships and cooperative education programmes. More than 50 private sector companies have officially partnered with the CEDT programme. Due to its modern curriculum and the programme's online outreach efforts, there were over 2,600 student applications for the 2023 academic year. The selected students represent the top 2% in the university entrance examinations.

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City University of Hong Kong

Submission title or project name
Empowering Tomorrow's Innovators: CityU's Gifted Education Programme Revolutionises Student Recruitment
Nominee or key personnel
Professor Ray Cheung, Associate Provost (Digital Learning), and Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering 

CityU's pioneering Gifted Education Programme (GEP), led by Professor Ray Cheung, has revolutionised student recruitment. This year-long initiative empowers gifted students with advanced knowledge in tech-driven fields, aligning seamlessly with CityU's ethos. It cultivates a diverse pool of talented prospective students, fostering their interest in CityU.

The programme culminates in a competition and exhibition, where projects like "AIoT Bedroom" gain media attention and the attention of HK Tech 300. Winning teams have the unique opportunity to transform their ideas into start-ups, supported by funding and mentorship. This initiative also strengthens connections with secondary schools, facilitating timely admissions information sharing. Additionally, participants assist as young instructors for Hour of Code Hong Kong, showcasing their skills and contributing to the community.

In conclusion, CityU's innovative GEP strategically recruits highly talented and tech-savvy students, bolstered by collaborations with HK Tech 300 and enhanced outreach. It redefines pre-university education and student recruitment.

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IPB University

Submission title or project name
Recruiting Indonesian Future Leaders through IPB University’s OSIS FEST
Nominee or key personnel
Bureau of Communication, Sub Division of Brand Communication, IPB University

The IPB OSIS Fest (IOF), organised by IPB University's Bureau of Communication, is a notable event in Indonesia. It fosters critical discussion and competition among high school students and serves as a recruitment campaign for talented young leaders from various high schools. IOF is famous for its unique prize – a golden ticket to enter IPB without the need for a formal entrance exam and financial support for the winner, ensuring their spot as an IPB student. This showcases IPB's commitment to nurturing talent. The programme focuses on leadership and entrepreneurship skills development, starting with an essay competition for high school student body chairs. It challenges young leaders to envision roles in Indonesian education and agriculture.

IOF promotes community building, diversity celebration and idea exchange, fostering personal growth among students. In the recent IOF, 172 OSIS chairpersons from different regions participated, with 10 students winning a golden ticket.

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James Cook University, Singapore

Submission title or project name
A Distinctive Brand Identity to Drive Recruitment for our Intercampus Exchange Programme
Nominee or key personnel
Marketing and Services Team led by Hailing Yang, Associate Director Marketing and Services

To facilitate opportunities for students to broaden their view of the world through our intercampus exchange programme, our team in Singapore developed a brand campaign in 2022 known as the Koalion project. Our campaign highlights the benefits of the programme not from a curriculum perspective but through the journey of exploration.

The key brand message conveyed how the intercampus exchange programme can provide a unique experience for students to expand on their international outlook. We adapted our brand campaign for different markets; one notable engagement with a high rate of viewership was a WeChat engagement that had a gamification aspect.

There was continued success for the Koalion project as the Koalion has now become a distinguished brand identity that is hugely popular among our students. The intercampus exchange programme benefited 15 of our students from 2022 to 2023 after the Koalion project was launched.

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NUS Business School

Submission title or project name
Pioneering Global Student Recruitment Amid Adversity - NUS EMBA-C's Strategic Triumph
Nominee or key personnel
Professor Fu Qiang, Academic Director, NUS EMBA Chinese Programme; Professor Li Xiuping, Deputy Academic Director, NUS EMBA Chinese Programme; Nicole Tee, Director, MBA Programmes Office; Catherine Xiang, Head, EMBA Chinese Marketing & Admissions Team; EMBA Chinese Marketing & Admissions Team members: Sissi Lu, Cora Xie, Nola Zhang, Wang Xin

A Beacon of Global Student Recruitment Amid Pandemic Challenges

Navigating through the turbulent waters of the Covid-19 pandemic and a competitive educational landscape, the NUS EMBA Chinese programme (EMBA-C) ingeniously repositioned itself as a "Gateway to the World", targeting overseas Chinese entrepreneurs and those with global aspirations. Through innovative strategies, including a bold financial and scholarship approach, strategic global collaborations, a robust global social media presence, and the pioneering "Web 3 Learn to Earn" NFT Collection Campaign, the EMBA-C not only survived but thrived amid adversity.

The impact has been profound, with a significantly elevated brand, resonant global recognition, doubled outreach success, a diverse and elite student intake, and a triumphant financial outcome, showcasing a strategy that seamlessly blends innovation with resilient efficacy, and ensuring the programme's continued international success and global impact.

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Oguz Han Engineering and Technology University of Turkmenistan

Submission title or project name
Nationwide Outreach Programmes To Boost Student Interest and Applications
Nominee or key personnel
Ogulbabek Batyrova, Lecturer, Oguz han Engineering and Technology University of Turkmenistan

The Oguz Han Engineering and Technology University of Turkmenistan (ETUT) is a leading university that is committed to attracting top-notch talent and creating a diverse and vibrant student community. To attract more students, ETUT organised two nationwide events: the "Talented Descendants of Oguz Han" Olympiad for high school students; and the Contest of Innovative Technologies for people aged 18-35. Both events were successful in introducing ETUT and its academic programmes to a wider range of potential students.

The Olympiad was open to students of 9th-11th grades and tested their knowledge and abilities in mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry and English. The Contest of Innovative Technologies was open to anyone between the ages of 18 and 35 with innovative technology ideas in any field. Both of these events were successful in attracting more students to ETUT.

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O.P. Jindal Global University

Submission title or project name
JGU MUN: Expanding Horizons, Transforming Futures
Nominee or key personnel
Professor (Dr) C. Raj Kumar, Founding Vice Chancellor; Professor (Dr) Upasana Mahanta, Dean, Admissions & Outreach 

At the core of O.P. Jindal Global University’s (JGU) student recruitment process lies a profound commitment to more than just admitting students into the university; its overarching goal is holistic knowledge enhancement, skill development and capacity building. With this objective in mind, JGU launched the JGU MUN (Model United Nations) 2023 which was held in four major Indian cities – Delhi, Bengaluru, Kolkata and Mumbai.

Key achievements:

  • Increase in student numbers: The campaign surpassed our pre-campaign targets by engaging over 800 high school students, resulting in a conversion rate of 2.12%. To incentivise talented individuals, JGU introduced a unique scholarship programme and waived the registration fee for over 50% of the participants, ensuring that financial constraints were not a barrier to participation.
  • Empowering future leaders: The innovative prize structure, comprising not only prestigious cash awards but also a range of scholarships, served as a beacon of opportunity for young minds.
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Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)

Submission title or project name
UNIST's Semiconductor Engineering Programme

UNIST has achieved an exceptional level of competition for its newly introduced Semiconductor Engineering programme during the 2024 academic year admissions. This programme, established in partnership with Samsung Electronics, the foremost semiconductor company in South Korea, has garnered significant interest, evidenced by an astounding 1,681 applicants fervently vying for a mere 35 available seats. Consequently, the programme boasts an impressive admission rate of 48.03:1, testament to the university’s unwavering commitment to promoting this cutting-edge academic offering and implementing meticulously crafted admission policies aimed at attracting the most talented students.

The Semiconductor Engineering programme is specifically designed to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge required for future employment at Samsung Electronics, providing an unparalleled and exhilarating educational opportunity in the field of semiconductor technology.

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Teaching and Learning Strategy of the Year

Beijing Institute of Technology

Submission title or project name
Global Education Resource Platform: An Open, Harmonious, Inclusive and Autonomous Global Classroom through Green Education
Nominee or key personnel
Department of Undergraduate Academic Affairs, Beijing Institute of Technology 

Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) upholds its “teaching-first” educational ethos and is dedicated to promoting education openness and the sharing of high-quality resources. Driven by the philosophy of green education, it has built an all-encompassing “Global Education Resource Platform” that integrates domestic and international resources in a multidimensional manner.

This platform encompasses a wealth of overseas exchange programmes, shared courses with top domestic universities, and a locally tailored international curriculum. In addition, it is complemented by a self-developed “YanHe Classroom” online teaching platform and state-of-the-art smart classroom infrastructure.

Together, they have unlocked a five-dimensional space (three dimensions of space, time dimension, and knowledge dimension) for smart education, allowing teaching resources and student learning experiences to transcend the confines of campus and national boundaries.

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Christ University

Submission title or project name
CenFiL - Where Learning is Fun
Nominee or key personnel
Dr Anil Joseph Pinto

CenFiL (Centre Financial Learning) is a YouTube channel run by 15 students pursuing BCom Financial Analytics at Christ University's Pune Lavasa campus. They create informative and engaging content on financial literacy, investment and money management, targeting young adults. The team covers various aspects of content creation, from script writing to video and audio editing.

CenFiL harnesses the power of AI and machine learning to improve content and expand viewership. The CenFiL YouTube channel has notably improved the learning experience for students at various academic levels, ranging from undergraduates to postgraduates. With close to 12,000 views and an average viewing duration of 57 seconds, it effectively captures the interest of its audience. The channel strikes a chord with viewers in cities like Patna, Lucknow, Pune, Indore and Bengaluru, particularly among the 18-34 age group, showcasing compelling content with substantial proof of engagement.

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City University of Hong Kong

Submission title or project name
A Harvest of AI Curriculum Innovations by Cultivating a Holistic Innovation Environment
Nominee or key personnel
Talent and Education Development Office, City University of Hong Kong

In the digital age, emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) are reshaping the social and economic landscape. City University of Hong Kong values and strives to keep the curriculum contemporary, leverages advances in technology, and delivers a portfolio of innovative technology-enriched programmes to prepare students for careers of the future.

CityU developed a nine-month initiative for engendering, implementing and evaluating AI curriculum innovations. To maximise student learning experiences and solve the common challenge of students enduring innovations that may lack credible pedagogy, an innovation-enriching, holistic environment was cultivated, including awareness-raising and expert training of faculty for successful AI educational innovation.

The initiative included: surveying the AI landscape in teaching and learning; creating an ecosystem of faculty development and financial support for AI; planning, implementing, evaluating and providing ongoing support for 19 funded, discipline-specific AI innovations supporting student learning in university courses; recognising faculty and empowering them to share experiences.

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Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Submission title or project name
Inter-institutional Collaborative Education Programme: Empathy and Expertise – A Joint Venture in Optometry and Special Education
Nominee or key personnel

Team leader: Tsz Wing Leung (Research Assistant Professor, School of Optometry, PolyU). Team members: Allen Ming-yan Cheong (Professor, School of Optometry, PolyU); Kin Wan (Teaching Fellow, School of Optometry, PolyU); Kin Hei Lau (Optometrist, School of Optometry, PolyU); Ho Yin Wong (Senior Optometrist, School of Optometry, PolyU); Wing Yan Yu (Assistant Professor in Practice, School of Optometry, PolyU); Kuen Fung Sin (Professor, Centre for Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education, The Education University of Hong Kong); Chun Wai Lum (Project Manager, Centre for Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education, The Education University of Hong Kong)


The School of Optometry of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University has strategically redefined its teaching approach to better cultivate future optometrists. Moving beyond the traditional focus on clinical skills and vision-related knowledge, we have created an innovative inter-institutional collaborative programme in partnership with The Education University of Hong Kong, which bridges the knowledge gap concerning children with special education needs (SEN) between future optometrists and educators.

Our programme is characterised by a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical experience, preparing students with skills and compassion to serve vulnerable communities. A key component of this initiative is the joint vision screenings for SEN children conducted by students from both institutions. This hands-on experience provides invaluable practical experience and instils a deep sense of empathy, teamwork and community service in our students.

This revolutionary approach to optometry education has enhanced the educational experience and fostered an interdisciplinary, innovative and impactful learning environment.

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Izmir University of Economics

Submission title or project name
Beyond Tradition: Empowering Learners with an Innovative Medical Curriculum
Nominee or key personnel
Izmir University of Economics, Faculty of Medicine

In Izmir University of Economics, Faculty of Medicine, our aim is to educate our students with a unique and innovative curriculum that extends beyond medical knowledge, enabling them to create a positive impact on individuals, society and planet. For this aim, as a first in our country, components such as planetary health, lifestyle medicine, research-information management, clinical reasoning and portfolio have been included in the spiral curriculum, and each component is integrated with each other with its connections over the years to reach the programme outcomes. We utilise active educational methods, electronic education materials and technological infrastructure.

Our curriculum emphasises the effects of environmental factors and lifestyle behaviour on human health. To improve students’ professional development and embracement of lifelong learning, we use portfolios, student exchange programmes and the academic research track. Assessments are aligned with the learning outcomes and performed by new methods. We receive regular feedback for improvement.

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National University of Singapore

Submission title or project name
Managing AGgression using Immersive Content (MAGIC) – A Blended Learning Experience using Virtual Reality
Nominee or key personnel

NUS staff from: Department of Psychological Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSoM); Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies (ALCNS); and NUS Information Technology.

Project team lead: Dr Cyrus Ho Su Hui, Assistant Professor and Consultant Psychiatrist (Project Owner and the Department’s Education Director for medical students), YLLSoM. Team members: Shawn Goh, Assistant Professor (team lead for nursing students), ALCNS; John Yap, IT Associate Director (team lead for IT), NUS; Tong Mian Mian, (administrative support from the Department of Psychological Medicine); Mak Hon Keat (IT project manager), NUS IT


Agitation management at NUS Medicine was previously taught through conventional lecture with role-play workshop. Learning agitation management through simulated physical environments was not sustainable as it was resource-intensive, tedious and costly. A more robust educational pedagogy in agitation management was needed and NUS aimed to achieve this through innovative and forward-thinking education that encompasses evidence-based teaching and empathetic soft-skill development for our students.

A first in psychiatry pedagogy, NUS developed a blended-learning agitation management programme using VR, named "Managing Aggression using Immersive Content" (MAGIC), comprising a suite of comprehensive blended learning techniques. Through our Virtual Reality in Agitation Management (VRAM) application, students can experience immersive and experiential learning in virtual clinical settings. They can repeatedly experience agitation management in a safe, controlled environment allowing mistakes to be rectified through targeted practice. The highly customised scenarios further emulate real-life clinical cases, providing students with an authentic learning environment.

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Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi (RMUTT)

Submission title or project name
Improving Students’ Digital Literacy with RMUTT's learning model (mentoring, microcredential and credit transfer system)
Nominee or key personnel
Office of Academic Resource and Information Technology

The Fundamental Computing microcredential course at Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi is mandatory for all students. Through a progressive programme introduced in 2015, the Office of Academic Resource and Information Technology has created a learning model to improve the competency of students in digital literacy in a more efficient way.

With this new learning model, students' pass rate in the digital literacy exam has risen from 53.74% to 86.78%. Students obtain the qualification more quickly – and achieve better results – giving them more time to spend on learning other things or work during study to gain extra income. And, in the workplace, students with this qualification get paid 1,000-2,000 Baht (US$28-57) more per month by employers.

In addition, the university has reduced its costs for instructors and electricity (by 86%). Many world champions in digital literacy contests have been created from this model.

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Sunway University

Submission title or project name
Paradox of Theron: Experiential Entrepreneurship Education for the Masses Through Game-Based Learning
Nominee or key personnel
Yeong Hui Yan, Senior Practice Fellow, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Sunway iLabs at Sunway University; Karen Lau, Director, Sunway iLabs at Sunway University

Sunway University (SunU) is dedicated to nurturing graduates with essential entrepreneurial skills in line with the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015–2025. SunU recognises that adaptability and innovation are key in the era of Industry Revolution 4.0. To address the challenge of educating a large number of students and promoting experiential learning, SunU introduced "Paradox of Theron" (POT), a game-based approach that fosters entrepreneurial skills.

POT efficiently scales entrepreneurship education and reduces reliance on physical classes and additional lecturers. Furthermore, SunU's vision extends globally through partnerships with institutions like Lancaster University, UK, and Arizona State University, US. By offering this subject to students worldwide, SunU promotes a global learning environment, enabling cross-cultural collaboration.

In conclusion, SunU's commitment to equipping graduates with vital entrepreneurial skills reflects the modern world's demands. Through innovative gamification methods like POT, SunU prepares students for entrepreneurial success, both locally and globally.

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Technological or Digital Innovation of the Year

Chiang Mai University

Submission title or project name
“SDGs Key-phrases Mapping” Web Application
Nominee or key personnel
Dr Winita Punyodom, Associate Professor, Vice President; T. Noumanong, P. Sanprom, N. Tanakoonthippapha, Office of Research Administration; K. Chantaranimi, J. Natwichai, T. Sukhvibul, Data Science Consortium, Faculty of Engineering

Chiang Mai University (CMU) has a key objective of attaining 50th place in THE's Impact Rankings by 2027. CMU must support researchers to align their work with SDGs. Office of Research Administration has initiated a project to develop web application. It employs key-phrases mapping to verify SDG conformity based on Elsevier's 2021 SDG Mapping. It provides users with information on successful key-phrases and offers suggestions for non-conforming work.

“SDG Key-phrases Mapping” was launched in March 2022. This research work was presented at the 16th ISIPS in Japan, in November 2022. In 2021, 38.4% of publications indexed in Scopus were aligned with SDGs. This alignment increased to 40.7% in 2022 and 48.3% in 2023. Application development by CMU students translates into cost savings and positions it as an intellectual asset with commercial potential.

The future enhancements aim to enable multi-work processing and extend its utility to other institutions and national-level organisations.

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Christ University

Submission title or project name
Micro-Moments of Mastery
Nominee or key personnel
Dr Anil Joseph Pinto

The MiniMastery: Amplifying Learning Through Micro Bursts initiative was established at Christ University Bangalore Central Campus on 3 October 2022. The project aimed to assess the effectiveness of integrating microlearning techniques into higher education, with a specific focus on its impact on first-year MBA students.

The initiative was conducted employing a post-test control group design, inviting a total of 127 students to participate. The project’s core objective was to create a personalised and adaptable learning environment for higher education students, harnessing innovative features like dynamic content curation, predictive analytics and inclusive design to enhance learning outcomes and engagement.

The microlearning project was innovative regarding its product, process and audience attributes. It not only delved into the foundations of microlearning but also integrated technologies to optimise its impact. The project’s outcome revealed improved learning performance with positive feedback and enthusiastic engagement from participants.

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James Cook University, Singapore

Submission title or project name
A Robust James Cook University Singapore App Experience for Students
Nominee or key personnel
Vijay Shreenivos, Director ICT; Hari Bala Murugan Sampath, Senior Manager Software and Applications; Tjie Lim, Deputy Director Student Affairs

To increase information accessibility to our students in an evolving technological landscape, we launched a project to enhance the James Cook University (JCU) Singapore campus app. Through the implementation of Modo Campus, we were able implement many new features for our students into the app which includes their overall attendance, a personalised timetable, seamless online learning through integrating with Blackboard (LearnJCU), targeted push notifications, examination timetable updates and access to essential information, all at a touch of a finger. These enhancements enabled us to reach many students through effective communication via the app simultaneously, regardless of their location.

We are currently exploring a phase two upgrade to the app which includes having staff personas, a GPS Bluetooth way finder, chatbot integration, webroom booking, find-a-lab service, course completion and exam results.

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Lovely Professional University

Submission title or project name
Laboratory Resource Reporting Engine (LRRE): Live Laboratory Feedback at your Fingertips
Nominee or key personnel
Dr Manish Gupta

For every service provided by an organisation, the ultimate tool for evaluating the benefits and implementing continual improvements is feedback. Lovely Professional University is committed to providing a state-of-the-art teaching and learning environment to students through effective curriculum implementation and feedback. With current technological trends, digitisation of feedback is required to facilitate easy analysis and strategic planning of corrective actions wherever required.

Lab Resource Reporting Engine (LRRE) is a unique copyrighted automation tool for capturing real-time feedback of the conduct of experiments in laboratories vis-à-vis the availability of laboratory resources, functionality of laboratory equipment, and the conduct of laboratory technical staff. Because of the digitisation of feedback, a Power BI-driven dashboard has been paired to the LRRE system to obtain statistic and visual representation of student feedback for the school authorities and higher management of the university.

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Mabalacat City College (MCC)

Submission title or project name
Mabalacat City College Smart Classrooms
Nominee or key personnel
Mabalacat City College Management Information System

Mabalacat City College's Smart Classrooms are pioneering a transformative approach to education by using advanced technology to address the challenges faced by higher education institutions. These Smart Classrooms employ digital blackboards, smart cameras and microphones to create an interactive learning environment, accommodating both in-person and remote students. To address limited physical space and to foster inclusivity, this innovative project offers a scalable solution to the problem by embracing technology. Real-time communication tools enable active participation, bridging the physical gap between students and instructors.

The project successfully overcomes cultural and financial barriers, making education more accessible, particularly for working students. It has garnered interest from other institutions in the country, and it promotes international collaboration and learning. Mabalacat City College's Smart Classrooms exemplify the transformative potential of digital technology in creating a diverse yet interconnected educational landscape.

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Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)

Submission title or project name
Electronic Mentor-mentee Engagement Reporting System (eMENTORS): How UNIMAS Ingrains Mentoring and Coaching in the Workplace
Nominee or key personnel
Mohd Amin Bin Mohd Ismail, Personnel Welfare Unit, Human Resources Department

UNIMAS emphasises mentoring and coaching as essential leadership skills. These practices enhance employee resilience and adaptability, offering job-specific guidance and fostering skills development through interaction with experienced professionals. UNIMAS introduced a mentoring programme in January 2022, primarily for support employees.

Initially, the programme relied on manual paper-based reporting, leading to inefficiencies and potential data loss. To address these issues, UNIMAS implemented eMENTORS, improving the mentoring process' speed and accuracy. It includes automated reminders and generates essential data for programme evaluation. eMENTORS benefits UNIMAS in various ways: reducing paper use by 98%; cutting costs by 99%; improving productivity; enhancing information security; and offering better accessibility.

These advantages have allowed the university to streamline operations and reduce staff workload significantly. The system's success and recognition have led to copyright registration and awards in innovation competitions. It serves as a model for other sectors, including higher education, schools, government and corporate organisations.

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Marmara University

Submission title or project name
Turkey-UK 3DI: 3D Printing & Digital Innovation
Nominee or key personnel

Project coordination: Professor Dr Oğuzhan Gündüz, Marmara University; Sema Gündüz, Lecturer, Marmara University; Professor Dr Deepak Kalaskar, University College London. Implementation: Professor Dr Stephen Hilton, University College London; Professor Dr Nazmi Ekren, Marmara University


Marmara University plays a key role in educating innovative professionals with global competencies. The university prioritises contemporary education and has collaborated with UCL to address digital transformation in education. This collaboration responds to the British Council's innovation call in 2022, focusing on climate change, green universities and careers, aligning with UN priorities and improving graduates' employability. The project aims to develop green life skills, particularly through Virtual Reality (VR) technologies for distance learning. This initiative has led the establishment of a pioneering VR Institute where Turkish and British scientists work together virtually.

The project addresses the challenge of providing hands-on training to students equally. We created the Turkey-UK 3DI VR institute, where scientists from both countries can access and use advanced equipment virtually. So far, over 700 students and academics have benefited from this VR training. This not only enhances cross-border collaboration but also reduces carbon emissions associated with travel.

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National University of Singapore

Submission title or project name
Curriculum Management System
Nominee or key personnel
Lim Yee; Goh Bee Hwa; Eliza See; Oh Yeong Chyun; Zhou Luli; Sharon Koay; Ernest Tan

Academic curricula typically undergo multiple revisions and adaptations, necessitating new reviews and approvals by department, faculty and university committees. Previously, this process at NUS was entirely paper- or email-based, resulting in data duplication, errors and the loss of important contextual and historical information over time.

To address these challenges, NUS launched a new Curriculum Management System (CMS) in July 2022, digitising the whole process and providing greater visibility and efficiency to programme/course creation, review and publishing. CMS is an online platform that tracks the end-to-end process of curriculum creation and provides for curriculum information storage.

Designed to be user-friendly, CMS’ online forms provide hints and validation checks to ensure the accuracy of course submissions, while notifications and dashboards enable tracking of a curriculum proposal’s stage of progression. It also provides data interface tools to support integration with other NUS systems that require such curriculum information.

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